What is blue light?
The wavelength of blue light is around 450 nm. Blue light is a type of visible light that is emitted by electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computer screens. It has a shorter wavelength than other types of visible light, which means that it has a higher energy.
Blue light has become a popular topic of discussion in recent years, as scientists have begun to question whether or not exposure to blue light may be harmful to our health. Blue light is known to affect our sleep cycles and can disrupt our natural circadian rhythm. Blue light can also cause eye strain and lead to other health problems if we are exposed to it for extended periods of time.
Risks of blue light exposure
Blue light and macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is a medical condition that affects the macula, which is the part of the eye that is responsible for our central vision. The macula is responsible for our ability to see detail and read, so macular degeneration can have a significant impact on our quality of life. Blue light waves can cause physical damage to the cells in our retina, which can increase a person’s risk of developing macular degeneration.
There is no conclusive evidence that blue light exposure from smartphones and computer screens is a major contributor to macular degeneration. Blue light may possibly contribute to the development of this condition, but it is impossible to determine at this time whether or not blue light exposure proves to be significant by itself. Blue light may also play a role alongside other factors such as diet and medical history in determining a person’s risk of developing macular degeneration. Blue light from electronic devices may have an additive effect when combined with these factors, increasing a person’s overall risk of developing macular degeneration compared with someone who has low levels of blue light exposure.
Blue light and digital eye strain
Blue light is also known to cause digital eye strain. Digital eye strain is a condition that can affect people who spend a lot of time looking at screens, such as computer screens, smartphones, and tablets. Symptoms of digital eye strain include eye fatigue, headaches, and blurred vision. Blue light may contribute to digital eye strain, but it is difficult to determine exactly how much blue light contributes. Blue light exposure is only one of the factors that can cause digital eye strain, so if you experience headaches and blurred vision after looking at your smartphone for several hours, blue light exposure is unlikely to be the only factor causing these symptoms. Blue light does play a role in conditions such as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome, but there are other causes that must be addressed alongside any effects caused by blue light.
Blue light and sleep
The Blue light from smartphones and computers can interrupt your sleep cycle, which is the natural flow of sleep that we experience throughout the night. Blue light includes short-wave frequency light waves that trigger our eyes to produce a hormone called melatonin. Blue light tricks our brains into thinking it’s time for us to be awake when in reality we should be sleeping. Blue light suppresses melatonin production overnight and can therefore interrupt our circadian rhythm. Blue light exposure at night can have a significant impact on our quality of sleep, so it is important to limit blue light exposure at least one or two hours before you go to sleep.
Health benefits of blue light
Helps you stay alert and improve cognitive function
Although blue light may have some negative effects on our health, it also has some positive effects. Blue light can help us stay alert and focused when we need to be productive. Blue light is also known to improve our mood and make us feel happier. , which can in turn improve our cognitive function.
Potentially improve seasonal depression
Seasonal depression is a form of clinical depression that is characterized by a change in mood and behavior during a particular season. Blue light therapy has been suggested as a treatment for seasonal depression because it can improve the body’s level of serotonin, which helps regulate sleep and mood. Blue light therapy can be used to treat this condition by shining morning light on the sufferer’s face, as this will help stimulate the body’s production of serotonin.
Helps clear some skin conditions
Blue light therapy is a type of treatment that uses blue light for healing. Blue light emissions are able to penetrate the skin, which allows it to have direct therapeutic effects on the skin without any medication. Blue light can help clear ailments such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema by targeting problematic cells, speeding up wound healing, and reducing inflammation. Blue light therapy has been studied extensively in regards to its use against certain skin conditions. Blue light has been found to be effective for alleviating various types of dermatitis, most notably acne vulgaris. Blue light can effectively reduce microorganisms that are associated with acne breakouts without the use of topical antibiotic treatments or other pharmaceuticals that are often required to treat these conditions.